Source Sans Pro Download Mac

Services like Google Web Fonts and Adobe Edge Fonts make it easy to embed custom fonts on any webpage or blog. There are over 600 free font families in Web Fonts which is a huge number.

Source Serif Pro is our primary serif font and should be used in headlines and body copy as a primary serif font in your web and social media communications. For situations where Source Serif Pro cannot be used, use Minion Pro or Times New Roman. This font was recently updated to include italic font faces, which are now available for download here. Download free font Source Sans Pro by Abode from category Sans Serif.

Using Web Fonts is very easy, after choosing a font, you just have to place the code in the appropriate file on your site. Now that you can choose from 600 fonts, it is very hard to decide what font to choose. There are hundreds of Sans and Serif fonts in the directory, plus there is display and handwriting fonts.

Source sans pro download font

So, for those who are confused what font to use, here’s a list of some of the best fonts for body and for headlines.

Adobe source sans pro download

Web Fonts for Body Text


Roboto was designed by Christian Robertson. Since the introduction of Roboto as main font in Android OS, the font quickly became popular. Most of the site use Roboto as primary font.

Source Sans Pro

Designed by Paul D. Hunt, Source Sans Pro is Adobe’s first Open source typeface family. This sans-serif font has 12 variants and is best to use in body text.

Source Sans Pro Download Mac


Merriweather is a slightly condensed font designed by Eben Sorkin. The font has 4 variants, Light, Regular, Bold and Black with each weight having italic styles. Merriweather is designed for bettering text readability.

Droid Sans

Droid Sans is a sans-serif typeface designed by Steve Matteson. Droid Sans is a font designed to be used in User interfaces.


Lato is an Open-source font designed by Łukasz Dziedzic in 2010. Lato has five weights with their corresponding italic styles.

When working on Lato, Łukasz tried to carefully balance some potentially conflicting priorities. He wanted to create a typeface that would seem quite “transparent” when used in body text but would display some original traits when used in larger sizes. He used classical proportions (particularly visible in the uppercase) to give the letterforms familiar harmony and elegance. At the same time, he created a sleek sans-serif look, which makes evident the fact that Lato was designed in 2010 — even though it does not follow any current trend.


Adobe Source Sans Pro Download

Designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, Montserrat only contains Regular weight. If you are looking for a free alternative for Gotham or Proxima Nova, then Montserrat is the closest you can get.

Web Fonts for Headlines

Fjalla One

Fjalla One is a condensed, medium contrast bold font designed by Sorkin Type. The font is suitable for use in headlines.


Raleway is one of my favorite fonts. This display typeface is inspired by more geometric sans-serif typefaces, and has 9 weights.

Bree Serif

Bree Serif is a serif style font designed by Veronika Burian and José Scaglione. The font is bold and has only Regular weight.

Source Sans Pro Light Download


Source Sans Pro Light

Coustard is a display and serif font designed by Vernon Adams. The font has two weights, regular and bold.